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Curriculum & Pedagogy in the Centre


Children are taught through a daily balance of direct teaching, independent tasks and ‘busy learning’ through self-chosen activities. The carefully planned learning environment offers opportunities for children to develop independence and social skills as well as practise their knowledge and skills. Practical resources support their understanding. Outside learning focuses on physical development, sensory regulation and social skills.

Children's behaviour and learning are supported through a variety of strategies including visual timetables; individual schedules; timers; behaviour ladders; token reward cards; social stories, pictures and symbols; Makaton signing; Colourful Semantics; and organising tasks in a visual manner, following the TEACCH principles.

Approaches such as Intensive Interaction, Attention Autism and the Zones of Regulation are used to support communication and emotional regulation.

Children have access to a sensory room and OT input and resources in order to aid sensory regulation.

Speech therapy and occupational therapy are provided by the NHS.  The Centre currently has an attached Speech and Language therapist who attends one full day a week.  OT support is currently being offered on a consultative basis due to staff shortages.  Listening, attention, communication and language are at the heart of our Centre curriculum. 

Physical development activities and opportunities for sensory regulation are also planned for each day.