The school has a uniform which is compulsory from Reception to Year 2. We expect children to wear the school uniform at all times.
Children are not allowed to wear jewellery, including earrings, to school.
Please think about the weather when sending your child to school. They need a warm coat, hat and gloves as we are outside in all weathers.
During hot and sunny weather, we ask that the children have their heads and necks protected against the sun with sunhats and sun cream.
Sweatshirts are available from the school office at a cost of £7.50.
We ask all parents/carers to mark all items of clothing with their child’s name.
PE Kit
In Reception your child will change for PE. This should comprise green or black shorts, a white shirt and black plimsolls, named in a PE Bag
In Year 1 and Year 2, children will come to school dressed in their PE kits on their PE day.
Depending on the weather, children should wear:
- Black or grey tracksuit bottoms.
- Black or grey tracksuit tops or school jumper.
- Black or grey shorts.
- White t-shirt.
- Black or grey trainers.