Please see below.
- Accessibility Planpdf
- Admission Arrangementspdf
- Attendance Policypdf
- Behaviour including Anti Bullying Policy & statement of behaviour principlespdf
- British Values Policypdf
- Charging & Remissions Policypdf
- Child Protection and Safeguarding Policypdf
- Children with Health Needs Who Cannot Attend Policypdf
- Complaints Procedurepdf
- Early Years Foundation Stage policypdf
- Equality Objectivespdf
- Exclusions Policypdf
- Initmate Care Policypdf
- Online Safety Policypdf
- Phonics & Early Reading Policypdf
- Privacy Notices - parents/carerspdf
- PSHE and RHE Policypdf
- Pupil Premium Policypdf
- SEND Policypdf
- SEN Information Reportpdf
- Teaching & Learning Policypdf
- Uniform Policypdf